About iOffset.

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Reduce. Offset. Share.

Our mission is to spearhead an international carbon reduction and offsetting culture, making it easy and affordable for individuals and businesses to reduce and offset their unavoidable emissions.

Through significant investment in technology, marketing and advertising, iOffset will turbo-charge consumer action and make change happen. Starting with simply raising awareness of our individual carbon footprints and fundamentally what we can all do to reduce our carbon emissions.

This is just the start. iOffset have partnered with Motor Depot, one of the UK’s leading car supermarkets, who will help by not only offsetting the emissions of all used cars sold (first year/10,000 miles) but also providing iOffset access to thousands of people a month to engage with, spread the word and start the carbon reduction debate in a meaningful way.

If one of your friends can drive a car with its emissions offset, and also start to reduce travel by car then why can’t you?

iOffset's mission is to kickstart a culture of carbon reduction and offsetting in the UK and beyond.

We want to enable individuals to reduce their carbon footprint and businesses to offset any product, service or transaction in full or part utilising iOffset's OaaS® solution.

Mark Hammond Founder of iOffset

How iOffset works.

iOffset was created to enable people to play their part in the fight against climate change.


Make simple and sustainable changes to your lifestyle to reduce your carbon footprint.


Offset unavoidable CO2 emissions through accredited high impact, carbon removal projects. Start from £3 /month.


Proudly say “iOffset” and share your carbon neutral status with your social network.

Individually we can make a difference.
Together we can make change.

Want to do “the right thing” but don’t know where to start? iOffset aims to make carbon reduction and offsetting easy, affordable and socially the right thing to do.

Trust. Transparency. Commitment.

The carbon offsetting industry has been sadly plagued by years of poor regulation which has allowed unscrupulous parties to profiteer at the expense of channelling funds to project owners to support the production of clean energy for example. iOffset are committed to developing a platform of scale, built on the fundamentals of trust and transparency and as such will retire or cancel all credits in the name of the end consumer or business.

It became apparent very early into our journey that we needed robust data to form the lifestyle packages within iOffset and indeed to support the carbon reduction hints and tips. We enlisted the help of one of the UK’s leading carbon experts, Professor Mike Berners-Lee, author of “How Bad are Banana’s: The Carbon Footprint of Everything” and “There’s No Planet B”. Mike and the team at SW Consulting modelled carbon footprint examples for the average UK citizen with a footprint of 13 tonnes.

The trust and transparency are fundamental to the iOffset proposition which is why all carbon credits will be retired in the name of the end consumer or business and presented on a public registry. The UN will support in the creation of authenticated certificates to provide consumers with the reassurance that their support is being used to fund projects to remove or avoid the release of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Let’s limit global warming. Together.